Keeping an eye on the ever-changing landscape of search ranking and visibility can be tricky. Learn how to stay up to date with Google algorithm updates and what it may mean for your business's organic search traffic, conversions, & ROI.
As the saying goes, nothing remains constant but change. This is particularly true when it comes to Google algorithm updates. With the Google search engine being the most widely used in the world, the algorithm updates it introduces are a vital part of a successful SEO strategy. Google changes its search algorithm around 500 to 600 times each year. That’s somewhere between once and twice each day. SEO visibility and traffic rank depend on keeping up with these algorithms. Stay ahead of the curve by knowing what’s coming, what’s changing, and what the updates mean for your website. In this blog, we will discuss why tracking Google algorithm updates is essential and how you can stay informed.
Why Track Google Algorithm Updates
Google algorithm updates are made to ensure that users receive the best possible search results when they search for something online. However, the updates can have varying effects on website owners’ SERP standings. For this reason, you should keep a close eye on any Google algorithm updates. Information about these updates from reliable SEO sources can provide vital insights into how they have impacted your website, and what measures you can implement to optimize its performance. Here are some reasons why tracking Google algorithm updates is essential.
To Stay Ahead of the Competition
With Google implementing over 600 updates annually, there’s a high possibility that your website might be impacted negatively. Tracking these updates allows you to get ahead of the competition and tweak your SEO strategy to align with the changes. A time lag in making updates based on Google algorithm changes could seriously compromise your SEO rankings. Keep in mind that staying ahead of the curve is not just about avoiding penalties, but also about taking advantage of the changes Google makes and standing out from the competition.
To Keep Current on Algorithm Trends
Google algorithm updates typically offer insights into the direction the search engine is heading, and the types of sites it considers most important. SEO professionals keep a close eye on these trends to ensure they are ready to adapt to any new requirements. As such, tracking Google algorithm updates can help you stay informed and make better strategic decisions.
To Improve the User Experience
Google updates also aim to ensure that users receive the best possible search experience. By keeping up with these updates, you can improve the performance of your website, which in turn leads to better search ranking and increased traffic. In addition to on-site optimization, Google algorithm updates often require website owners to implement user-centered design, providing better content and mobile responsiveness, conveying authority and authenticity, and improving load time and website responsiveness.
How to Track Google Algorithm Updates
Now that I’ve highlighted why tracking Google algorithm updates is important, it’s time to discuss how you can do it. Here are some ways to stay informed about upcoming or implemented Google algorithm updates.
Know Google
Google occasionally releases official statements only announcing new updates. While this is not frequent, being in tune with Google comments provides you with valuable insights into the direction the search engine is taking. Check out the official Google blog to get notifications about any new announcement at any of their official channels or get into the habit of navigating the Google Webmaster Central forum, which is a place where website owners and SEO professionals can find help and guidance directly from Google in addition to discovering details about the algorithm updates.
Track Web Traffic / Search Ranking
Your website analytics tools can help you identify fluctuations in traffic and rankings, giving an indication that a significant algorithm update has just been rolled out. When you notice an unanticipated drop or a spike, investigate if there is a correlation to an algorithm update. It’s essential to monitor changes in your website analytics regularly to identify if any changes are triggered by algorithm updates.
Monitor Google Alerts
Google Alerts is an automatic notification service that allows you to get notified whenever any keyword or topic you want is published on the internet. Setting up Google Alerts to receive notifications when a new update is released, or significant news about Google algorithm updates is shared, is a useful way to stay on top of any information that might affect your website ranking.
Stay Informed about Updates
Staying informed and on top of the latest algorithm updates is crucial, and you should get insights from reliable sources. Industry leaders and SEO experts can provide relevant and valuable information on updates to stay on top of the latest trends, understand new requirements, and figure out how to incorporate new best practices into your SEO strategy. Many SEO communities provide information on Google updates, in addition to opinions, analysis, and trends regarding SEO.
Tools to Track Updates
Several tools offer real-time tracking of Google algorithm updates' impact on different websites. Such tools include MOZ, and SERPWatch, among others. By using such tools, you can track how your website is performing, along with how your closest competitors are handling the changes to search ranking algorithms.
Being aware of Google algorithm updates and the impact they have on your website’s ranking and traffic is essential for any SEO marketer. Maintaining website quality and keeping up with algorithm changes will not only improve user experience but also increase traffic and improve conversion rates.
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