Thursday, December 29, 2022

What Are Long-Tail Keywords? | Are you using them?


Long-tail keywords are one of the most important aspects of SEO today. These keywords are phrases or words that are more specific to a particular topic and provide more relevance to search queries than single keywords. Long-tail keywords have become increasingly important due to changes in search engine algorithms, which prioritize content based on user intent and relevance.

Using NOFA Business Consulting's long-tail keywords can be beneficial in several ways: they can help you rank higher in the search engine results pages (SERPs), draw more organic traffic, and increase your site’s visibility. However, if you want to make effective use of long-tail keywords, you must do so with careful consideration. Otherwise, you may fall victim to keyword stuffing or simply fail to target relevant audiences.

When researching long-tail keywords, you should start by identifying high volume, but low competition terms related to your niche. This will help ensure that your website is targeting an audience that has already expressed interest in what you offer and provides an opportunity for achieving better rankings for those terms. NOFA Business Consulting's Keyword Overview report is an invaluable tool for this research process as it allows users to analyze the current performance of their chosen terms. Using this report, you can determine each keyword’s search volume, click through rate, ranking position and other metrics that offer insight into how well the term performs for different queries on different platforms such as Google and Bing.

Once you’ve identified a set of relevant terms, you should incorporate them into your content with care. One way to do this is by using natural language throughout your content instead of simply listing the exact same phrase over and over again; this ensures that your content flows naturally while also including relevant key phrases without resorting to keyword stuffing. You should also pay attention to the overall quality of your content as well; even if it contains valuable long tail keywords, if it doesn’t provide value or properly address an issue, then readers won’t stay on it for very long which can negatively impact your rankings over time.

Finally, remember that keyword research isn’t a one-time process; rather it needs to be done regularly as search engine algorithms continue to evolve and change over time. Therefore, it is essential that you actively monitor changes in trends and update accordingly so that all new content on your site includes the most up-to-date relevant phrases related to its niche market. By following these steps and utilizing the right tools, such as NOFA Business Consulting's Keyword Overview reports, you can ensure maximum exposure for all of your new content while avoiding unnecessary penalties imposed by modern search engines like Google due their sophisticated algorithms designed to detect keyword stuffing tactics.

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Saturday, December 24, 2022

Revolutionizing Your Small Business with Mobile-First Content Marketing Strategies in 2022


 Digital Marketing in Gaithersburg, MD | NOFA Business Consulting


It is increasingly important for businesses of all sizes to understand the value of content marketing in the era of mobile technology. Content marketing helps to establish credibility and build trust with consumers by providing them with relevant and helpful information about products or services to shape their opinion on the brand.

Author name: Farhad Nasserghodsi

NOFA Business Consulting is an experienced digital marketing agency that specializes in search engine optimization (SEO) services. ​301-338-6800

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December 24th, 2022   Content Marketing: In today's age of technology, mobile has redefined the way we read, view, shop and are entertained. Mobile has become the default device to conduct our everyday online needs. The question then is, how should a small business do marketing? They need to shift their focus to "mobile-first content marketing". Creating an app can be a great way to serve up your content in a mobile format. What is content marketing? For sometimes paid advertising in the form of radio, TV, newspaper, email and other ways has been used as reliable source to gain customers. Today's consumer does not want to be forced to buy a product or use a service. They want to be informed with facts about a product or service. That's why we see more and more articles and blogs in social medias about small businesses. It has been proven that content marketing can bring more customers to your business. Content marketing is defined by Content Marketing Institute as a "strategic approach focused on creating and distributing valuable, relevant and consistent content to attract and retain a clearly defined audience and ultimately, to drive profitable customer action. “The benefits of content marketing’s are: Our mobile app design for your business, combine with our content marketing strategy will give your customers a positive first impression of your brand. Contact us for a free consultation.

· More App/website traffic

· Client Engagement

· Leads and Conversions

· Media Visibility

· Competitive Advantage

· Brand Awareness

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Friday, December 23, 2022

Understanding Market Share


Many businesses want to know their share of the market to gain an understanding of how successful they are, and how much potential there is for further growth. Market share is an important metric for any business that wants to remain competitive and stay ahead of the competition.

Calculating market share can be done in a few different ways, depending on what type of business you have. The most common way to calculate market share is by looking at total sales within a particular industry. This means looking at all the competitors in your industry and totaling up their sales figures. Once you have that number, you can then divide it by your own total sales to calculate your market share.

For example, if there are ten competitors in your industry with each having annual sales of $100 million, then the total industry sales would be $1 billion. If your own company had annual sales of $200 million, then you would have a 20% market share—or two times greater than the average competitor.

It's important to note that calculating market share isn't just about measuring actual money earned through sales or profits—it's also about gaining insight into customers' behavior and preferences. For example, if a company has many customers but only a small percentage actually buy products or services from that company, then that indicates that those customers prefer other companies' products or services over theirs and this could spell trouble for future growth prospects. Similarly, if one company has a larger customer base but is selling fewer products than its competitors, this could indicate problems with its product line-up or customer service offerings.

Online businesses can use different methods for calculating their market share because most online services are free or require a subscription fee instead of an outright purchase price. In this case, companies will typically look at usage data such as page views or user engagement metrics like time spent on site as indicators of success and try to compare these figures against their peers within the same space. This can give them an indication as to whether they're gaining enough traction among users relative to other players in the field who may be providing similar services and products.

Overall, understanding market share is essential for businesses who wish to remain competitive — both online and offline — and make informed decisions about which strategies are working best for driving growth and long-term success. By considering both traditional measures such as total sales along with more modern metrics like usage data or social media engagement numbers, companies can get a better idea of where they stand in relation to their competitors and make adjustments accordingly, so they stay ahead of the competition every step of the way! For a comprehensive review of your company online, contact us.

Thursday, December 22, 2022

What Constitutes an A+ Blog Post? The most crucial Elements for Crafting Quality Evergreen Content that Satisfies Audience Search Intent, Optimizes for SEO, and Drives Conversion


Creating a high-quality blog post is no easy feat. It requires an understanding of your target reader personas, the optimization of on-page elements and off-page backlinks, as well as strong visuals and conversion paths. To craft truly great content that will stand the test of time (i.e.; evergreen content you need to understand your audience’s search intent and ensure that it is satisfied in your post. Coming up with a win-win formula where your goal overlaps with readers’ intent is also essential, as well as researching the topic thoroughly from the inside out and taking cues from successful competitors' strategies.

When mapping out the blog structure, it is important to include keywords strategically throughout the post to optimize for both readership and SEO ranking. Additionally, crafting a headline that is both engaging and optimized for conversions will increase the likelihood of people clicking on your post. Optimizing for featured snippets can also help to improve visibility, reach more targeted customers, and boost traffic to your website over time.

Including appropriate visuals in any blog post is key – not only do images break up text into manageable chunks but they also draw readers’ attention towards more important points within a post. It's also vital to think about adding conversion paths so that visitors can interact with your content in meaningful ways such as downloading lead magnets or signing up for newsletters. A sound backlinking strategy helps to promote posts across multiple platforms while creating social media shares make content easy to access via platforms like Twitter or LinkedIn. Finally, tracking performance through analytics or metrics should be part of any blog post strategy - understanding what works (and what doesn't) will ultimately make future posts even stronger!

For a blog post to truly shine it needs all these components working together in harmony. By following these crucial elements you'll be sure to create evergreen content that satisfies audience search intent, optimizes for SEO and drives conversions!

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You're tired of paying for expensive advertising and you want to get more customers. You've tried using different marketing agencies before, but it never worked for you!

 Imagine getting your business found online by people who are actively looking for what you offer. With search engine optimization (SEO), your website can be easily found on major search engines like Google, Yahoo and Bing. This means that when potential customers are searching for products or services like yours, they will find your website right away.

 If you want to increase traffic to your site without spending a fortune on paid advertising, then SEO is the solution for you! NOFA Business Consulting offers affordable SEO packages designed specifically with small businesses in mind. Our expert team has years’ experience. 

Wednesday, December 21, 2022

Search engine optimization


Search engine optimization (SEO) is one of the most powerful tools available to businesses that want to drive organic website traffic. By strategically optimizing your website and content for search engines, you can increase your visibility in search engine results pages (SERPs). This can result in increased website visits, leads, sales and brand awareness.

When done correctly, SEO is an incredibly efficient way to generate web traffic because it targets users who are already looking for the kinds of products or services you offer. For example, if someone searches "shoes" on Google, they are likely interested in buying shoes, so if your site is optimized for this keyword, you have an opportunity to capture their attention and bring them onto your site.

Moreover, SEO offers long-term benefits since it helps ensure that your content remains visible over time. Unlike PPC campaigns or social media campaigns which don’t last forever, SEO can help grow visibility for your site continuously if you maintain good search engine practices.

SEO also offers a certain degree of control over how much traffic you generate. If you have a limited budget but still want to take advantage of organic traffic from search engines, then SEO is a great option. You can limit how much you spend each month on optimization efforts while still targeting high-value keywords that will bring potential customers to your site.

Finally, focusing on SEO also increases the quality of overall website experiences by ensuring that visitors get webs pages and content that are relevant and easy to find. This improves user engagement rates and encourages people to use the site more often which in turn leads to higher conversions and more sales opportunities.

In summary, SEO is an incredibly useful tool when it comes to driving qualified organic traffic through search engines like Google and Bing. By focusing on quality optimization techniques such as the proper keyword selection, creating high-quality content with semantic richness, building backlinks from Authoritative websites, and utilizing analytics tools, businesses can maximize their online presence while driving more targeted web traffic at the same time.

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12 SEO Tips to Boost Your Organic Rankings & Traffic

SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. The higher the ranking, the more likely people are to find it. And the more people who find it, the more traffic it will generate.

There are many factors that go into determining how high a website ranks, but following these 12 tips will help you improve your SEO and boost your organic rankings and traffic.

1. Target Relevant Primary and Secondary Keywords

2. Write Quality Original Content

3. Format Your Content for Search Engines & Target Featured Snippets

4. Optimize Your Page Title and Meta Description

5. Use Short, Descriptive URLs

6. Generate Backlinks from High Site Authority Websites

7. Remove Anything That Loads Slowly

8. Use a Mix of Internal and External Links

9. Optimize Your Graphics

10. Conduct Regular Site Audits

11. Study Your Competitors

12. Continue Learning About SEO

I will discuss each piece of advice in greater detail in my upcoming blogs.

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What is SEO


What Is SEO?
SEO can be a complex topic, but it doesn't have to be. In this guide, we'll break down all of the basics for you and show you where to start when you want to learn SEO. We'll cover everything from on-page SEO to technical SEO and beyond. So, whether you have just begun or have been in SEO for some time, this guide has something for everyone! SEO, or search engine optimization, is the process of improving the ranking of a website on search engines. The higher a website ranks, the more traffic it will receive from potential customers. In this guide, we'll break down all of the basics for you and show you where to start when you want to learn SEO. We'll cover everything from on-page SEO to technical SEO and beyond. So, whether you're a beginner or have been in SEO for some time, this guide has something for everyone!

First, let's start with the basics. Search engine optimization is all about optimizing web pages to make them more visible to search engines. This can be done through various techniques, such as keyword research, link building and content optimization. Keyword research involves researching what terms people are using to search for your product or service, and then using those terms in your web pages to increase visibility. Link building involves creating links from other reputable websites to yours, which helps search engines understand the relevance of your content. And lastly, content optimization ensures that the content on your website is optimized for both people and search engines by using relevant keywords and phrases throughout.

Once you have a basic understanding of SEO, you can move on to more advanced techniques.
On-page SEO is all about optimizing the content and structure of your website. This includes things like meta tags and title tags, as well as making sure that your URLs are optimized for search engines. Off-page SEO involves building links from other websites to yours, creating content that will appeal to potential customers and optimizing images for search engines. Technical SEO focuses on the technical aspects of your website, such as page load speed and indexing. Finally, local SEO is all about increasing visibility for your business in local searches. Now that you know where to start when it comes to learning SEO, it's time to get started. Start by researching different SEO techniques and apply them to your website. As you become more familiar with the process, you can start experimenting with more advanced tactics. With a bit of effort, you'll soon have an effective SEO strategy that will help increase visibility in search engines!

This guide has provided you with all the basics for getting started with SEO. From keyword research to link building and content optimization, you now have the knowledge you need to start optimizing your website for search engines. With a little practice, you'll soon be an SEO master! NOFA Business Consulting, LLCwishes you continued success!

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Sunday, July 31, 2022



If you've ever shopped online for anything, chances are you've looked at reviews before making a purchase. In fact, according to a study on how many customers read reviews, 95% of customers will read reviews before making a purchase. We rely on reviews to help us choose which businesses provide the best products, services, and experience.

From the business perspective, review management is an important piece of an overall marketing strategy. Reviews can help businesses to improve their product or service offering, as well as their customer service. In addition, managing reviews can also help businesses to build trust and credibility with potential customers.

Reviews are an essential part of the purchasing process for both consumers and businesses. Reviews help us to make informed decisions about where we spend our money, and they help businesses to improve their offerings and build trust with potential customers. If you're not already incorporating review management into your marketing strategy, now is the time to start.


 You have a great website, but you're not getting the traffic you need.

Most business owners don't realize that their website may not be designed for search engines, which is why they're not getting the traffic they need.

 SEO is the solution! By optimizing your website for search engines, you can increase your web traffic and get in front of more potential customers.

Book a consultation.

Saturday, June 11, 2022

Display Advertising

 Display ads are a type of online advertising that comes in many different forms, including banners, text, 

images, videos, and more. Display ads can be used to promote a brand, product, or service on websites, 

apps, and other digital platforms. Device ID targeting is a form of digital advertising product that allows 

businesses to target ads to specific devices, such as smartphones and tablets. Geo-fencing is another 

form of digital advertising product that allows businesses to target ads to users in specific locations. IP 

retargeting is a form of digital advertising product that allows businesses to target ads to users based on 

their IP address. Native advertising is a form of digital advertising product that blends in with the 

content of the website or app where it appears. YouTube is a video-sharing website where users can 

upload, view, and share videos. YouTube also offers a paid service called YouTube Red, which allows 

users to watch videos without ads. Paid services like YouTube Red are becoming increasingly popular as 

people seek out ways to avoid seeing ads. Display advertising is an important part of promoting a 

business online. By using these various forms of display advertising, businesses can reach their target 

audience with relevant messages that will help promote their brand.

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Sunday, May 22, 2022

Digital advertising

 NOFA Business Consulting, LLC's digital advertising division has been a huge help to businesses all over 

the country. Using the device ID, they are able to target the exact audience that their clients want to 

reach. This has resulted in more customers and higher revenue growth for their clients.

"I can't believe how much business we've been able to bring in since we started working with NOFA," 

said Bob, owner of a small business in Maryland. "Their team is extremely knowledgeable and 

passionate about helping businesses grow. I'm grateful for everything they've done for us."

Many businesses have seen success thanks to NOFA's digital advertising division. Their team of experts 

knows how to use the latest technologies and tools to help businesses.

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Small businesses


America's small businesses have been left behind by the big guys. They can't afford to advertise on TV 

or in magazines like the big boys can. 

The playing field is not level. The big guys are using all the latest technology to reach their customers, 

while the little guys are stuck using out-of-date methods like print advertising and direct mail.

Digital Advertising is the answer! Device ID has developed a method that allows small businesses to 

target their exact customer base with display ads. We know who your customers are and what they're 

interested in, so you can be sure your ad will reach them.

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NOFA Business Consulting

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Did you know that Digital Advertising is Affordable? 

That's right, not only can digital advertising help your business grow, but it can do so affordably. In fact, according to a recent study by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB), small businesses that invest in digital advertising see an average ROI of 18%.

For more tips on how to grow your business, be sure to check out our blog. We post new articles every week, so there's always something new to read. And, if you're not already subscribed, be sure to sign up for our newsletter. We'll send new articles straight to your inbox so you never miss a post!

Digital advertising is a great way to improve customer retention and increase revenue. And, best of all, it's affordable. So what are you waiting for? Start investing in digital advertising today!

For more tips on how to grow your business, be sure to check out our blog. We post new articles every week, so there's always something new to read. 

So, there you have it! Digital advertising is a great way to improve customer retention and increase revenue. What are you waiting for? Start investing in digital advertising today!

If you're not sure where to start, our team at NOFA Business Consulting, LLC can help. We specialize in digital advertising and can help you create a campaign that fits your budget and your business goals. Contact us today to learn more!

Still have questions? NOFA Business Consulting, LLC offers free consultations. Schedule your consultation today!

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Tuesday, May 3, 2022

Digital Advertising


Welcome to my business. We're a digital advertising agency that helps improve your client retention and revenue. We use cutting-edge techniques and technologies to help our clients reach their targeted audiences.
We've had great success in the past, and we're looking forward to helping you achieve your goals. Thanks for considering us!

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Sunday, May 1, 2022

Device ID


Hey, everyone. I am Farhad, senior consultant with NOFA Business Consulting, LLC, and I'm here to talk to you about mobile devices. Specifically, how they can help businesses reach the right audience with their digital advertising.
You see, mobile devices provide a unique view into user behaviors. People visit various locations, go home and work, and have all sorts of other habits and interests. Companies can use this information to target the right people with the right ads.
It is quite ingenious when you think about it. Mobile devices are like little tracking devices that tell us where people go and what they do. And that information can be used to sell products and services to them.
So next time you are out and about, take a look at your phone, the ad you see, is probably because you visited or searched for a service or product of one of our clients.

Saturday, April 30, 2022


 Need help driving customer loyalty and revenue through digital advertising? Look no further than our experts. We can help with display ads, SEO, pre-roll video, DID, Geo-fencing, email marketing, and more.

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Sign up for an ad campaign


Did you know that with digital advertising you can reach your exact audience? You can target people by their location, interests, and even the type of device they are using. Display ads are a great way to increase your brand awareness and reach potential customers. Geo-fencing allows you to target people within a certain radius of your business. Device ID (DID) targeting lets you target specific devices that have been used to visit your website or app in the past. YouTube is the second largest search engine and you can use it to reach potential customers with video ads. SEO (Search Engine Optimization) helps you rank higher in search results, making it more likely that people will click on your website. By using these digital advertising strategies, you can reach more people and grow your business.

What are you waiting for? Start increasing your revenue today with digital advertising! Learn more through a complimentary consultation. Visit our website or give us a call today.

How Digital Advertising can help your business


It was a typical day at the office for Jerry. He was sitting at his desk, scrolling Facebook when he saw an ad from his favorite shoe company, for a pair of shoes that he was looking for online. The ad featured a new model of shoes that were just released. Jerry clicked on the ad and was taken to the company's website. He browsed through the website and found the shoes he wanted. He added them to his shopping cart and checkout.

A few days later, Jerry received an email from the shoe company thanking him for his purchase. They also included a coupon for 10% off his next purchase. Jerry was happy with the service he received from the shoe company and decided to buy more shoes from them in the future. Thanks to their digital advertising campaign, the ad hit the right target and the customer purchased the product they were looking for. This is what digital advertising can do. Let us demonstrate how.

Digital Advertising


Welcome to my business. We're a digital advertising agency that helps improve your client retention and revenue. We use cutting-edge techniques and technologies to help our clients reach their targeted audiences.
We've had great success in the past, and we're looking forward to helping you achieve your goals. Thanks for considering us!